Bruce Monroe Elementary School @Park View needs Modernization in 2015
We the undersigned agree that the much needed phase two of modernization
for Bruce Monroe ES @ Park View should be a top priority for FY2015.
The second phase has been pushed back two years from 2016 to 2018. This
is the latest in a string of decisions in the school's recent history
that directly impact the current and future students of this school.
Modernization is needed urgently to address three main areas. First, ADA
accessibility is inadequate within the building and does not serve the
needs of the current student, family and community population. The
building needs an elevator to give access to all three levels of the
building and lifts installed to make the cafeteria and gymnasium
accessible. Grading of the parking lot would give outside accessibility
to the cafeteria, as well as provide additional parking and increase
student safety as deliveries no longer would be made through the alley
that students use as a pass-through between lunch and recess. Second,
the cafeteria as it stands lacks proper capacity, heating and cooling.
In addition, cafeteria food is made off site and would be prepared in a
full functioning cooking capacity once modernized. Third, the gymnasium
and auditorium are in need of modernization to complete the project.
Despite the difficulties this school community has faced, test scores
have risen and enrollment continues to rise. From 2012 - 2017 Bruce
Monroe ES @ Park View's area cluster 2 is projected to have the greatest
increase in school-aged population of any cluster in the district based
on DCPS’ Master Facilities Plan. Bruce Monroe ES @ Park View’s dual
language program earned the designation of a DCPS Reward School for top
5% of growth district-wide.
There are two public hearings that the school is attending with the
support of community members and parents (listed below), but for those
community members who cannot attend these weekday meetings, we would
like to present a show of support via this petition.
Committee on Education
Thursday, February 13, 2014, 10am to End
Agency: District of Columbia Public Schools (Public Witnesses Only)
Committee on Government Operations
Thursday, February 20, 2014, 10am to End
Agencies: Office of the Inspector General, Public Employees Relations Board, Department of General Services (DGS)