Build a Prospect Park Skatepark
Simply, we as skateboarders, scooter riders, bmxers, and roller-bladers, and extreme sports enthusiasts alike, need this skatepark. We need a safe space where we can meet new friends, have fun, and share a local park with people that share our interests. I am positive that there will be no disrespect towards the park, through graffiti or other things, as we will truly appreciate the generous gift and creation of a skatepark. We need a place where we don't have to worry about being kicked out by security, where riding is completely allowed and appreciated. We need an escape for the few unfortunate members of our community who find refuge in skateboarding, releasing their stored energy into learning a new trick, rather than starting detrimental habits like doing drugs or alcohol. We need to be able to guarantee that everyone has a place near them where they can enjoy going to get away from it all, to simply just ride. As a community full of mostly adolescents, we face extreme stress and pressure as the intensity of our transition into adulthood can be overwhelming at times, and we all participate in this hobby because we love it, because it feels free and peaceful. There's a certain feeling you get when you're surrounded by people that feel the same way you do about something, and this could nurture that environment. This is why we need a skatepark. We hope that the NYC parks department will consider creating this wonderful place.