Building a Ramp at CMD - Santa Monica College

Updated: October 31, 2023
Background Information:
The Santa Monica College (SMC) Center for Media and Design (CMD) had an extensive $62 million renovation and built an expansion of the school’s old Academy of Entertainment & Technology from 2009 to 2018. This 3.5-acre project included the renovation of an existing 50,000 sq ft teaching facility and the construction of a 30,000 sq ft instructional wing: a new three-story building for KCRW and a new seven-level parking structure.
What's the issue?
What was not included in these renovations and improvements was a ramp for students with disabilities to access the lower level floor in Building C towards the soundstage (Room 182) or the bottom floor of the auditorium for class (Room 180).
In addition, if there was a fire, an earthquake, or any sort of emergency in the lower level of Building C, there is no accessible exit for a student in a wheelchair or with any other physical disabilities UNLESS they use the elevator to reach the ground floor to exit.
The Solution
What we are asking for is the Administration of Santa Monica College and/or the architects of the Center for Media and Design (CMD), Clive Wilkinson Architects, to please re-examine the Center for Media and Design and build a ramp to access the Lower Level of Building C, as well as re-examine how an additional, more accessible exit can be built in Building B (which includes the ground floor and Floor 2, stairs and an elevator currently)
How Can You Help?
Sign this petition and if you have any additional comments, thoughts, suggestions, advice, or ideas on how to tackle this issue, drop a comment below ⤵️
In order for this petition to be successful, we need a minimum of (220) signatures and at least (10) written testimonies (with the student's First Name + SMC Email) about how the lack of accessibility at the CMD impacts you.
If you prefer, you can send us an email at general@smcfilmclub.com with your testimony.