In the best interest of Abby Bustinza
This is for our grand-daughter Abby.
Our daughter got pregnant at the age of 15 and the father was 20. She was a high school junior and graduated to go on to college when Abby was a year and a half years old. While our daughter was in high school she worked full-time at Dairy Queen to help support Abby.
Abby has been with us since the day she was born. This has been her home for four years and she has always been safe and well taken care of. Taking her from us would be a traumatic experience for her. We are her family. We provided her financially and emotionally. When she is sick we are the ones that take care of her and tended to her needs. We are the ones she calls out for when she wakes up in the middle of night. We are the ones the take her to the doctor and follow up making sure she has the best treatments for her asthma and allergies.
Our daughter finished high school even though she was a teenage mother and now she is furthering her education so that she will be able to take care of Abby on her own. Our daughter will be graduating this December with her Associates in Science for Forensic and will be continuing her education to receive her BA and MA degrees.
She has been trying to make a life for herself and involves Abby in everything while we have been taking care of Abby so our daughter can continue her education and get the degree she needs to go into forensic. She had a four year scholarship to South Dakota and gave that up so she could go to school here. Please sign this petition so that Abby can stay with us.