The FDA needs to let us know how much caffeine is in a product.
Danny Eltringham 0

The FDA needs to let us know how much caffeine is in a product.

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Caffeine is a drug that is found in coffee, tea, soft drinks, and even in small amounts in chocolate. Caffeine can be increase a persons risk of heart attack, upset sleep pattern, cause addiction, and even death. Caffeine is more deadly than liquid nicotine. One drop of liquid nicotine is reported to be able to kill a 180 pound man. The amount of caffeine needed is considerably less. If the FDA required that a small but noticible label be placed on the container of any product containing caffeine many people would be able to shop more easily. People should not have to live in ignorance of how much of a hazardous drug they are consuming. This is important because suprisingly enough, many people do not realize that certain products contain caffeine. Many people think that just because a product hasn\'t had caffeine poured into it that it is devoid of the substance. There are many foods and drinks that have suprisingly high amounts of caffeine in them. Not knowing how much caffeine is in something is like picking up two boxes of cereal and not knowing which has more cholesterol. These labels would help people become more health concious. The western world is generally unhealthy. In nutrition, you have to make an effort to become undernourished if you are eating normally. Still, many people are brought down by small nuances and bad habits. Caffeine can become a rampant addiction that people unknowningly feed. People have the right to know what they are doing to themselves.


My name is Danny Eltringham and I don\'t believe in the consumption of caffeine. Personally I think because of all the health risks it really isn\'t worth it. I do believe that other people should be allowed to consume caffeine if they so choose. I don\'t believe that people should ignorantly consume foods that can pose a hazard to their health. If there were a label on every product containing caffeine, telling how much caffeine it contained, many people could shop and eat/drink in a more healthy and concious manner. I believe self-evident human rights include knowlege...and freedom to information.
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