Support state legislation to move nuclear waste at San Onofre to higher ground

We support urgent legislation that will allow the State of California to establish a plan to handle nuclear waste in a manner that is much safer to store within our state until there is a permanent solution. Currently, no adequate plan exists for handling a damaged nuclear waste canister, or to safely deal with any number of emergency situations that may occur, be it earthquake, sea level rise, canister degradation or simply human error.
The nuclear power plant being decommissioned at San Onofre needs a viable, long term plan that will inform how California and the rest of the country can greatly improve on the industry's plan that primarily puts profits first and leaves safety to chance. At the San Onofre nuclear power plant, where the canisters are precariously placed near the water's edge with rising sea levels, the State of California must act with a sense of urgency to help ensure the protection of its residents and treasured resources. See relevant information provided below.
Recent Updates:
Whistleblower explains the dangers posed by nuclear waste at San Onofre
Another related petition to California Coastal Commission.
Briefing on San Onofre issues with some heavy weights speaking with authority and expertise
Trailer to Award Winning Film, "SOS, the San Onofre Syndrome - Nuclear Power's Legacy"