Call for the removal of Sarahah app

I have set this up in an attempt to have the app ‘Sarahah’ removed from the app stores worldwide. This app is a glorified bullying tool used among teenagers in particular to feed into a culture of degradation and harassment. I was sickened to learn about this app because I couldn’t believe such a thing would even exist. Parents have a responsibility to check their kids phones and make sure they aren’t the ones doing the bullying or being bullied and I hope this will draw attention to this issue. I feel like the removal of this app may help a little in the battle to end bullying. People use the app to anonymously send negative remarks to others because they feel emboldened because they remain nameless. Nameless and maybe they think blameless. But it is never ever okay to tell another person to kill themselves. If you wouldn’t say something to a persons face you shouldn’t feel the right to do so online. This app is disgusting and being used to make the victims of these remarks lives a misery so we need to take it down! This petition will be passed on to the people who run the App Store in the hopes this app will be removed