Call for UNWTO to withdraw letter to Mugabe

Today the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), which is part of the
United Nations, has released details about its leaders for tourism
campaign - a campaign designed to help 'position tourism as a driver of
economic growth and development, and thus a priority in the global
agenda.' While this is a laudable objective indeed, it is absolutely
incomprehensible that President Robert Mugabe of Zimbawe has essentially
been made an ambassador for tourism as part of the campaign. Although
Mugabe has not been appointed to an official position, he will receive
an open letter from the UNWTO like the other heads of state who are part
of the leaders for tourism campaign, thus giving recognition to Mugabe
as a champion of tourism. Moreover, Zimbabwe has also been invited to
co-host, together with Zambia, the UNWTO General Assembly in August
In light of the ongoing problems in Zimbabwe, but
specifically the policies of ethnic cleansing, violation of human
rights, media censorship, manipulated elections and the oppression of
opposition parties, the letter endorsing Mugabe as a champion of tourism
is wholly inappropriate.
We, the undersigned, call on the UNWTO to withdraw the open letter
to Robert Mugabe. He is not a champion of tourism. Instead of giving
undue recognition to Robert Mugabe, the UN must focus its activities on
supporting non-governmental organisations, human rights campaigners and
opposition parties in Zimbabwe to boost democracy and economic growth in
the country.