CALL To Suspend Vaccination For Those Under 30 (esp. 12 to 15 year-olds)

To the Health Minister Ong Ye Kung and the MMT force
Copy: Prof Benjamin Ong, Chair of Expert Committee, PMO
Dear Sir / Madam
We are a group of parents (some of whom are already vaccinated) with concerns on the latest data of side effects from mRNA vaccines on the young population.
On 24 June 2021, it was reported that the CDC (USA) started investigating the death of a 13 year-old male, from heart failure after vaccination with a mRNA vaccine. https://nbc25news.com/news/local/cdc-investigating...
While the CDC is conducting the investigation, could we please suspend the vaccination of our population under the age of 30, especially 12-15 school going children?
Many of our youths already had their first dose. HSA has claimed that the first dose provides 80% efficacy. Wouldn’t that be enough protection while we await the results of the investigation before we proceed with the second dose?
The moratorium is prudent, to protect our children until more data comes to us from the USA.
Prior to the tragic death of that young child, since April 2021, there have been more than a thousand reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of cases of inflammation of the heart—myocarditis and pericarditis—happening after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (i.e., Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna) in the United States.
Source : https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines...
In Israel, there have also been reports of occurrence of 90% of cases of myocarditis after the second vaccination, with a median time of a few days. An incidence up to 20 times higher in the younger age group supports the premise that there is a causal rather than an incidental link. This has led to the Israeli Public Emergency Council for the COVID-19 Crisis (comprising many eminent doctors and scientists) calling for a suspension of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign for population under the age of 30.
Source : https://www.pecc.org.il/docs/call%20to%20suspend%20vaccination%20eng.pdf
A group of local doctors including a cardiologist, has requested for an emergency moratorium on vaccinating 200,000 male youths, while CDC investigations are underway. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1693561577508221&id=100005631842518&sfnsn=mo
As it stands now, there is zero death from covid-19 for our young population. It would be most tragic if we have just one death from the vaccination of our youths which will be one death too many.
Yours sincerely
Richard and Lilian Tan (parents of 3 youths)
Justine Liow (mother of 2 teens)
Koh Li Ting (mother of 2 young children)
Alvinor Kor (father of 2 children)
Rowena Toe (mother of 3 youths)
Shimei Koh (mother of 2 young children)
Sylvia Tan (psychologist, mother of 2)
Christie Chew (mother of 2 children)
Yu Jin and Rebecca Thio
Charles and Gail Chang
Callie Gay (mother of 3 youths)
Annie Tiang (mother of 3 adults & grandmother of 4 young children)
Jeanette Chan (mother of 2 teens)
Vincent Law (father of 3 young adults under 30)
Kenny Teo (father of 1 teen )
Fabian Ng ( father of 1 )
Julie Tan (mother of two)
Ezekiel Ang (father of 1 adolescent)
Steven Tay C H (father of a 30+ son)
Cheryl Lee (mother of 2 young adults)
SG Suspected Vaccine Injuries:
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