Cambridge DoubleTree Planning Application 2013
We oppose planning application 13/1207/FUL for the Cambridge DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel to build 29 additional bedrooms and remove their leisure centre (which is used by 700+ local residents).
The hotel lies alongside the river Cam between the ancient commonlands of Sheep's Green and Coe Fen at the southern end of Cambridge's famous Backs. The original picturesque Garden House Hotel was destroyed by a fire in 1970. A modern hotel replaced it, which has since suffered several large and inappropriate extensions.
The previous (2012) application for 31 bedrooms was unanimously rejected by Cambridge City Council and also rejected on appeal by the UK Planning Inspector. This latest application is also totally unacceptable for many reasons, in particular:
• This is a sensitive and picturesque site in an important Conservation Area. The proposed fourth storey extension (with plant room on top) and the brick and wood bedroom block (which will replace the semi-transparent glass leisure centre) will intrude clumsily into Cambridge's ancient green belt.
• The removal of the leisure centre – which is a well-used and popular amenity – will leave 700+ local residents without access to similar local keep-fit facilities.
• The only access to the hotel is down narrow roads with a blind bend. They are already dangerously congested and cannot cope with additional traffic.
For further information and to leave comments on the application (until 30 September) see Cambridge City Council’s website:, press ‘Public Access’, then type in the application number: 13/1207/FUL.
N.B. Please note that you will need to give your name and at least postal area, otherwise the City Council will simply ignore your entry on the petition. Anonymous responses will not be taken into account.