Camp Second Chance Permit Renewal PETITION CLOSED

Honorable Mayor Jenny A. Durkan
P.O. Box 94749, Seattle, WA, 98124-4749
I believe Camp Second Chance should stay where it is, on Myers Way Parcel. As a resident of Arrowhead Gardens, right in the neighborhood, I agree with many of Camp Second Chance neighbors in urging you to allow them to stay there.
and Ordinances can be changed. City of Seattle Ordinance 124747 can
and should be changed to let well run camps like Camp Second Chance
remain where they are. This camp creates a stable environment for it's
residents to get on with their lives and move out to become contributing
members of society once again.
can change and Camp Second Chance is in the business of changing
lives. In fact, they are doing such a good job of dealing with
homelessness that I hear people are coming from cities all over the
world to learn from them. Does that sound like the kind of place that
should be uprooted again?
If Camp Second Chance is moved, it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and will disrupt the lives of its residents. Let's do the right thing.
Arrowhead Gardens Residents
9200-9240 2nd Ave SW, Seattle WA 98107