Campaign to stop the neglect of horses on Dudley Borough public land
The aim of this campaign is for Dudley Council to take responsibility for preventing the neglect and suffering of Horses and Ponies grazing on public land. These aims will be achieved through calling for a complete ban on grazing on public land unless it is a requirement of Natural England who monitors some nature reserves (sssi sites). Where grazing is requested by Natural England, that the council (DMBC) have a registration scheme for horse owners requiring an Equine passport, Micro chipping, worming records and vet check ups. A Fee should be charged to pay towards administration costs and a suitably experienced member of staff to monitor Horses in the borough. Any horses put on land without the requirments above are immediatly removed. All horses fulfilling the requirements should be free roaming and comply with the DEFRA codes on welfare of horses. The number of horses should be limited. Please can you sign the petition, take action and HELP STOP THIS SUFFERING AND RECLAIM OUR OPEN SPACES FOR OUR ENJOYMENT.