Urgent! Save Canadian Democracy Now!
Seven weeks after Canadians awarded the Conservatives a minority government (with an increased number of seats), the Liberals and the NDP supported by the Bloq Quebecois signed an agreement to defeat the Conservative government and ask the Govenor General to take power without holding an election. This may be legal, but it is wrong! We, as Canadians, cannot preach democracy to the world and then allow a coup d'etat to happen in our own country. If the government is defeated in the house, the people must be given the right to decide who shall form the next government. Some may say that another election is costly. Would you rather have an election, or would you rather that any gang can twist the rules of parliament to deny the result of any election, now or in the future The second option will be far more costly to our democracy. The Governor General was appointed by a former Liberal government. Therefore, the optics of her anointing the party that appointed here are not good. Justice has to be seen to be done. Our plea is simple. Should the government fall, the Governor General should call another election and let Canadians speak.