Cancel Covid

Petition to Immediately End the COVID-19 Unethical Human Experimentation
We, the undersigned natural persons and souls, hold that our respective governments are and have been conducting themselves in an unethical and zero-sum manner in violation of our natural, unalienable, and pre-political Rights granted to us by our Creator. These governments, established for the sole and singular purpose of securing the aforementioned Rights, as well as their corporate partners may in fact be permitting, administering, or conducting unethical human experimentation in violation of the Nuremberg Code (1949). We believe this to be taking place by way of the COVID-19 Emergency and Executive Orders, and the corporate policies mirroring and furthering said orders, and the alleged “public health interventions” contained therein; which have previously been shown to be contraindicated for use or have been untested or inadequately tested for short and long term safety, efficacy, risks, and alternatives; and for which no informed consent has been provided, and coercion has been the maxim.
The “public health interventions” which we have been, or may have been, subjected to include one or more of the following, but may not be limited to the following:
1. Face masking, covering, and/ or shielding,
2. Social distancing;
3. Lockdowns, shelter-in-place orders, stay-at-home orders, safer-at-home orders, and curfews;
4. Regular testing in order to work, travel, and receive education or medical care;
5. Restrictions on travel and movement;
6. Regular and pervasive collection of biometric data such as temperature taking;
7. Contact tracing and collection of other private and personal data and information;
8. Declaring some workers and businesses essential and others non-essential;
9. Interruption and restriction of medical procedures and services based on a unilateral assertion that said procedures and services are or were "elective";
10. Interruption and restriction of worship;
11. Quarantining healthy and asymptomatic individuals;
12. An ominous and foreboding threat, insinuation, or suggestion that we may be subject to vaccinations against our will; [underlined, ADDENDUM added April 4, 2021 follows] Subjecting us to soft and hard coercion with regards to the Covid-19 vaccinations and the variants that follow; Subjecting us to mandated, or otherwise soft and hard coerced vaccinations; Subjecting us to potential secondary injury brought about by way of individuals vaccinated by the Covid-19 vaccinations and the variants that follow; Likely, and possibly irreversible, alteration of human Ribonucleic acid (i.e. RNA) and Deoxyribonucleic acid (i.e. DNA) with incalculable potential resultant harm to the Human race in general, and individuals specifically;
13. Restricting access to the outdoors and to exercise;
14. Interfering with holidays, customs, and other appropriate life stage activities;
15. Making those with disabilities, physical health conditions, and mental health conditions stand out;
16. Restricting access to education and age appropriate peers and interactions;
17. Untenable restriction of the standard of care such that it limited accessibility to treatments and interfered with and inhibited the patient-doctor relationship;
18. Censorship in favor of the state and corporate ideology of the supremacy of public health;
19. Imposed elevation of science, or incomplete scientific process as the case may be, above our common traditions of faith, family values, and natural law;
20. Preventing individuals from contacting, consoling, and comforting the sick and dying;
21. Physically quarantining, partitioning, or separating our elderly and sick from contact, care, and comfort by their family, friends, and loved ones and applying alien, injurious, and untested treatments and standards of care.
Based on the fact that we have not seen any evidence to the contrary, we hold that prior to their implementation during the COVID-19 scenario these “public health interventions” were either contraindicated or completely lacked or lacked adequate testing for short and long term term safety, efficacy, risks, and alternatives prior to 2020; and therefore their implementation was and is in violation of the Nuremberg Code for the following reasons:
- There was no voluntary and informed consent in which individuals had the opportunity to accept or reject the interventions. Further, various life critical goods, services, and opportunities were made to be conditional and used as either reward or punishment for those accepting or rejecting adherence to the public health ideology, narrative, and interventions. Things including but not limited to the following were allowed or denied as a condition of acceptance of the public health ideology, narrative, and interventions: access to work and business, access to medical and emergency care, access to education, access to extracurricular activities, travel and freedom of movement, access to places of worship, access to public locations, access to grocery and other stores, access to family, etc;
- The interventions were random and unnecessary, harmed society and continue to harm society, harmed our progeny and continue to harm our progeny, and the intended results of the interventions could have been achieved by other less harmful means such as those commonly in use prior to the 2020 implementation of these interventions;
- The existing evidence and studies prior to the implementation of the interventions suggested that the results would not justify the implementation of the interventions;
- All unnecessary physical, mental, emotional, and social harm of the interventions was not avoided and the interventions have brought great suffering, injury, and death;
- The existing studies and evidence should have led any reasonably informed experimenters, scientists or health officials to believe that death or disabling physical, mental, and other injury could have resulted from the interventions, and the experimenters do not appear to have also served as equal subjects in the experiment;
- The degree of risk under taken by the interventions exceeded the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved;
- Inadequate preparations and facilities were prepared to provide protection for us, the unwilling subjects, against even the remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death from the interventions;
- The experiment was conducted by, and the interventions were implemented by, unqualified persons; and we, as unwilling subjects were not met with the highest degree of skill and care throughout the interventions;
- We, the unwilling subjects, were not at liberty to end the experiment of these “public health interventions”; and due to the physical, psychological, and other harm these interventions have caused, we therefore believe that the interventions may have resulted in or amounted to torture, as discussed in “Amnesty International Report on Torture” (1975, Duckworth Publications);
- The scientists implementing this experiment and others doing the same, were not and have not appeared to be ready to terminate the experiment despite the experiment threatening and resulting in physical, psychological and other injury, disability, and death to us.
Therefore, recognizing the immense harm being accomplished by the COVID-19 Emergency and Executive Orders, corporate policies, and “public health interventions” therein; we, the undersigned, invoke all applicable local, state, national, and international law in support of our peaceful and firm demand that all such orders, policies, and interventions be ended completely, entirely, and immediately without further delay by all peaceful, legal, and lawful means available, by any and all legal, lawful and peaceful authorities with jurisdiction over these matters, and that the appropriate individuals in charge of this unethical human experimentation, who knew or should have known that it was a violation of the Nuremberg Code (1949), and that prolonged implementation of these interventions may have amounted to torture as discussed in “Amnesty International Report on Torture” (1975, Duckworth Publications), be investigated forthwith. Further, we the undersigned peacefully and firmly demand that all individuals who have been injured by this improper experiment be allowed to offer testimony and other evidence, and considered for compensation as appropriate and necessary.
Lastly, we the undersigned, solemnly and inexhaustibly pledge legal, lawful, and peaceful justice to one another and each other’s progeny. That to the very last individual signed below, we shall remember each and all, and shall never let one another’s names be forgotten despite what further authoritarian and grotesque oppression awaits us, nor shall the pains and injuries that we have suffered under the various COVID-19 Emergency and Executive Orders of 2020, and the corporate policies mirroring and furthering said orders, and the resulting “public health interventions” be forgotten until every single legal, lawful, and peaceful avenue of redress has been thoroughly and appropriately explored, rendered, and exhausted for the benefit of all of the undersigned signatories and their progeny.
****Please Read, Sign (with your full name), Comment, and Share. If you would like a PDF copy of this petition, with the relatively up to date list of signatures, it may be requested by emailing VedicMaP@ProtonMail.com with "Cancel Covid Petition" in the subject line. Attention: Due to the dynamic situation unfolding, I have had to add an addendum, and may have to add others in the future as the situation evolves. Signatories who sign after a specific addendum are NOT responsible for the amended language unless they leave a comment here assenting to the change with regards to their specific signature; further signatories may request their signature to be removed by contacting me via the email address above. Thank you.****