Keep Canterbury/Kingsley in Godwin District
Laura Wadsworth 0

Keep Canterbury/Kingsley in Godwin District

26 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Laura Wadsworth 0 Comments
26 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We are residents of Canterbury/Kingsley who wish to keep our neighborhoods in the Godwin High School District. Canterbury/Kingsley is a walking-distance community that has supported Godwin since Godwin opened in 1980. Alternative plans that move Canterbury/Kingsley to another high school increase travel time for parents and children, increase transportation costs for Henrico County, do not follow natural boundaries of major roads, and break the sense of community between Godwin and our neighorhoods. These are four guiding principles that Henrico County has stated will be followed whenever feasible when setting district boundaries. We are asking that Henrico County follow the principles they have set. We request that an alternative to county-wide redistricting is followed that will keep high school districts unchanged in areas like Canterbury/Kingsley, where communities are not undergoing rapid housing development, and where the school membership projections show that the schools will not be over-crowded for significant periods in the next ten years. We believe this alternative is consistent with Henrico County's stated principles, will reduce disruption for our children, and will maintain the high level of community involvement between Canterbury/Kingsley and Godwin.


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