Cardi B: Take back the Kulture!
- Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar (Cardi B), We the music consumers of the world are organizing and standing in solidarity for you to recreate the classic “Ladies Night”.
This is an issue above and beyond any current music artist, This is about setting an example for the next generation of women in hip hop. Providing an example and standing in solidarity for unity together, As one.
This would be setting an example for Kulture and so many young women and children that look up and follow you to mend the gap between women. The disrespect and disregard to the Legendary Women who single handily created the path and broke down the doors for women to exist in hip hop has come to an all time high, As has the Unity. Cardi you have the world watching you. Make a difference,Take your success and use it to create a movement and a impact on Hip Hop that hasn’t been made over 20 years by uniting women.
In 12 Months you have been able to:
-Sell over 35 Million Records.
-Achieve two #1 singles a historic record no female has every achieved.
-Achieved the most streamed Female Rap Album Of All Time
-Nominated for 91 Awards in one year.
-First solo female MC to top the Billboard Hot 100 in over 20 years without a feature.
-Longest-running No. 1 by solo female rapper.
-First rapper with first three singles in the Hot 100's Top 10 simultaneously.
-First woman to have five simultaneous Top 10 Hits on Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart, a record previously held by Beyonce.
You have the support of an entire generation behind you, You have a once in a lifetime opportunity in your career to go high when others have gone low and educate & enlighten an entire generation.
Not only on the legacies of the women who paved the way for you but to show them, That in this era, Their can be more than one QUEEN. As Lil Lil Kim stated in a recent interview, “Every women has the RIGHT to feel and see herself a Queen”. Cardi you have the power to SHOW and be that example for women. By remaking Ladies Night and including all the Women Of Hip Hop you’ll be not only sending an example to women across the world.But enlightening and introducing this newer generation on the women who paved the way for female rappers and celebrating their legacies as well as creating a unshakable base and foundation on which your career will forever stand.
In the words of Denzel Washington:
“At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished. It’s about what you’ve done with those accomplishments. It’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.”
We’re in a time period in which we haven’t had Female Rappers stand together and promote unity for all women in Hip-Hop in over 20 years. The time is now for a movement that is truly greater than any “Rap Beef”. We have lost hindsight on why being a female rapper is most important. Being able to exist and succeed in a male dominated industry without being discriminated against.
The history of rap music originally penned women in hip hop as some sort of side kick or sexual object for men. Men were allowed to disrespect and disregard women being as though, their wasn’t any representation for women in the genre.
It wasn’t until strong women like MC Lyte, Queen Latifah, Roxanne Shante, Salt-N-Peppa, Lil Kim etc decided to demolish societies perception on what it meant to be a Female MC.
They single handily created a movement in which women could express themselves completely in Hip Hop without having to have a male counterpart. They broke down the doors for women to express themselves Sexually, Emotionally and Physically through lyricism in a way that had never been done before. They took a stand and a risk in their careers so every female hip hop artist could express herself in whichever way she wanted without being criticized or discriminated against in a completely male dominated industry.
It was one of the founders of the original Women’s Movement (1848-1998) Margaret Mead. Who said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
The time is now to prove her right in her words against Misogyny. There’s power in protest and we’re taking a stand and protesting against division against women. Not only in music but for women struggling around the Globe.
The time is NOW to remind the new generation of music consumers on why female unity in rap is so important in our current culture. From the #MeTooMovement, #SlutWalk,#WomensMarch and so many other organizations fighting for gender equality around the world.
The time is now. It’s time to make a change and we can’t do that without you, Cardi.
Take a stand,
Call Atlantic records (212) 707-2000.
Sign the petition.
Make a change.
Reinvent what it means to be a female rapper.