M25 Speed Variation Petition - Please Also Sign NEW LINK

Please Sign New Link (Auth by 10 Downing Street) http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/SpeedVariations This petition has been created NOT to justify speeding but to put forward and try to clear up a few situations which I face and see daily. Please sign if you feel M25 drivers face dangerous and are un-necessary variations through the average speed camera\'s on the M25. 1) Constant speed variations from 60mph down to 40mph then back to 60mph and so on (I have seen this many times) 2) Sign\'s saying slow incident ahead Then your speed drops from either 70mph or 60mph to 40mph or another speed (but when you get to the next speed limit change or even back to a national speed limit sign the speed variation and change has been for no reason at all. Anyway if you agree with this petition please sign it as I am 100% certain that if the variable speed limits were used in the correct manner and set to reasonable constant speeds our traffic would flow much more efficiently.