No Casey's on Main St. Again
We thank the over 1100 people who signed the handwritten petitions asking the Board of Adjustments to deny variances that would allow Casey's to build a gas station with 6 pump stations in down town Pella across the street from Pizza Ranch. Despite Casey's numerous statements during the Board of Adjustments meeting that the plan they submitted that would require variances was the ONLY SAFE WAY they could put a new Casey's at this location. And despite the fact that the Board of Adjustment denied the request for variances to build that plan. We have just learned that Casey's is going to build there anyway. This will be the largest Casey's in Pella. Larger than the Casey's by both exits on 163.
We had over 1100 handwritten signatures on our petition to STOP Casey's from building across from Pizza Ranch. The Board of Adjustments heard our concerns. Casey's did not. For those of you who had concerns about safety issues, with the first plan that Casey's proposed (the only plan that they had after looking at it from ALL angles), they are going to build anyway. Unfortunately, their new design does nothing to resolve our past concerns:
- The 2 Casey's on the Square will be closed - what happens to those buildings.
- Casey's has a 15 yr non-compete - buyers of old Casey's buildings can NOT sell gas, tobacco or tobacco products, alcohol, groceries, or prepared foods such as pizza or donuts.
- The area for the proposed Casey's will be very congested with traffic.
- Safety concerns
- Semis filling the tanks and distributing alcohol, pop, chips, and other grocery items will make the traffic congestion worse and decrease visibility.
- The library is right "next door." How safe will it be for children to walk to the library?
- The bike trail would go right in front of Casey's.
- The Community Center is close by. They provide lots of activities for children and seniors.
- Will it be difficult for the ambulance and fire trucks to get through that area?
- Many people have been working to make that block and the one west of it into Pella's first Historic District. What will Casey's do for the values of those historic properties?
- Whether it has a Dutch front or not, do we really want a Super Casey's one block from the square?
PLEASE send a message to Casey's and the City of Pella. A Casey's across from Pizza Ranch is just not the right place for Casey's. There HAS to be another, safer place to build a Casey's in town.
Thank You