Support Candidates Fighting for ALL Catholic Values
\"At this time, some Catholics may feel politically homeless, sensing that no political party and too few candidates share a consistent concern for human life and dignity. However, this is not a time for retreat or discouragement. We need more, not less engagement in political life... \"The Catholic community enters public life not to impose sectarian doctrine but to act on our moral convictions, to share our experience in serving the poor and vulnerable, and to participate in the dialogue over our nation\'s future... \"The Word of God and the teachings of the Church give us a particular way of viewing the world. Scripture calls us to \'choose life,\' to serve \'the least of these,\' to \'hunger and thirst\' for justice and to be \'peacemakers\'... \"We urge Catholics to become more involved: by running for office; by working within political parties; by contributing money or time to campaigns; ...and other efforts to apply Catholic principles in the public square.\" - Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Sign this petition to join a new grassroots effort to find and support candidates at all levels of government who best represent the full Catholic vision for a better world. So many Catholics are faced with the difficult task of choosing between candidates who support only isolated portions of their Christ-inspired vision for a more just world. This is because pro-life Democrats, Republicans with a preferential option for the poor, and candidates of either party who work for peace are often denied support from their own party and other traditional donors. But if we work together to encourage and support the candidates who best represent us, we can gradually bring about a better future in which more politicians at all levels of government work wholeheartedly for the common good. The emerging organizing and information-sharing tools of the internet make this new movement possible. Please include your email address and volunteer to help in some way to move this effort forward!