Caylee's Improper Burial Should be a Felony Nationwide
A New Law should be created called Caylee's Improper Burial Law which would make it a Felony Nationwide for a parent, relative, legal guardian or caregiver to improperly dispose of a deceased child. On July 5, 2011, in Orlando, Florida, Mother Casey Anthony was found not guilty of first degree murder in the death of her 2 1/2 year old daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony. According to opening statements by her attorney in this trial, Caylee's death was due to an accidental drowning in the family's backyard swimming pool on June 16, 2008. On December 11, 2008, little Caylee's remains were found in a trash bag with duct tape over her mouth and nose, located in a wooded area near the family's home. This is absolutely unacceptable. In order to honor Caylee Anthony's memory in a positive way and protect all of our children nationwide, we need to take action to try to prevent this from happening again. Petition Letter: Re: Create Caylee's Improper Burial Law Dear Senators, Representatives, and President Obama, I am writing to propose that a new law be put in place making it a felony to improperly dispose of a deceased child, so innocent deceased children nationwide will be assured to have a socially acceptable, honorable and respectful burial. Please contact your State Senators and Representatives and urge them to make this law.