SupportCayman Sex Offenders Database & Legislation
We, the undersigned individuals, hereby request that the Cayman Islands Government do the following: 1. Implement comprehensive child abuse legislation that puts the interest and safety of our children as paramount; 2. Implement Sex Offender's Legislation that would include a provision for a government operated sex offender's database/website that includes photos and relevant details of ALL sex offenders that are convicted in a court of law; 3. Mandate reporting of sexual offences against children ("mandatory reporting") by the public to the authorities; 4. Mandate longer sentences for offenders; 5. Consider a minimum sentence for such offences; 6. Legislate that offenders provide current addresses and updated photos to the police and failure to do so would be a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment; and 7. Work with international agencies to make sure that all visitors/residents are subjected to both domestic and international policing and checks