Community Statement of Need for a CCP in Powder and Single Crystal Diffraction
EPSRC is conducting a review of its provision for Collaborative Computing Projects (CCPs) and is accordingly undertaking a 'Statement of Need' exercise. This petition is being conducted in order to demonstrate a strong need for a 'hub' based around software and communities in PXRD and single-crystal diffraction. In these areas, the proposed project would build on the 16 years of experience of CCP14 (
The primary target community is that of young researchers (PhD students and PDRAs) using PXRD and crystallographic techniques. A renewed CCP14 will engage the next generation so as to provide long term sustainability for these vital subject areas whilst at the same time relieving serious data processing bottlenecks (e.g. at central facilities). CCP14 will continue to provide enduring 'publication' support and recognition for those generating the open source software underpinning crystallographic work, including everything from small snippets of code to complete software and infrastructure components. Through such support, the software can be curated by the original author or handed over to the community.
A renewed CCP14 will be at the forefront of software and data analysis development and be ideally positioned to support and lead emergent aspects of the field, such as dealing with the data deluge from new PXRD experiments at synchrotrons, bridging to 2D-image processing and supporting data publication. In summary, there is a strong requirement for an infrastructure to support software and communities in powder and single-crystal diffraction. By signing this petition you are demonstrating the community requirement for this support.