Cease and desist Oregon OSHA and OLCC
Bj soper 0

Cease and desist Oregon OSHA and OLCC

1712 signers. Add your name now!
Bj soper 0 Comments
1712 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now


WE, the undersigned citizens of the State Of Oregon, the rightful owners of this State and Government, acknowledging our State constitution as the supreme law of the State, do hereby demand that the Oregon Department of Occupational Safety and Heath, herein known as OSHA, and the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, herein know as OLCC, cease and desist in the execution of the Oregon Governor’s unlawful, and unconstitutional executive orders regarding the fining and punishment of business and people for non-compliance to illegally issued mandates.

Whereas; Governor Kate Brown has abused her power as the executive officer of the State by ignoring clearly written law and statute specifically designed to handle Health emergencies in this State. She is instead unlawfully enforcing other law that is used to further her over reach of power, and abusing the rights of every Oregon citizen.

Whereas; The Governor of Oregon has no delegated authority to create law, under any circumstance, or authority to create and enforce punishment, especially without due process of law as required by both the Oregon and US constitutions.

Whereas; the right of the people to assemble, practice religion freely, travel, and the ability to choose their own health practices may not be infringed, as they are rights inalienable, and may not be regulated upon or restricted.

Whereas; the right of the people to alter, reform or abolish their government, installing a new guard as they shall deem necessary is again a protected right enumerated in the Oregon constitution.

Whereas; 18 US code section 242, clearly states that any officer that uses their position to abuse, deter, coerce or infringe upon the rights of an individual, under the color of law has committed a crime that is punishable by fine and imprisonment.

We The People of the State of Oregon Demand

OSHA and OLCC immediately suspends any practice using threats, force and intimation of Oregon business, establishment, church or residence to comply with unlawful mandates regarding the use of social distancing practices and mask mandates dictated by the Governor or any other executive agency.

OSHA and OLCC immediately suspends the practice of issuing fraudulent fines upon any Oregon business, establishment, church or residence to comply with unlawful mandates regarding the use of social distancing and mask mandates dictated by the Governor or any other executive agency.

OSHA and OLCC immediately rescind and remove any demands, infringements or fines issued by this agency regarding the enforcement of any executive order or demand made by Executive branch of this State regarding COVID-19, social distancing and mask violations.

We the People of Oregon State:

OSHA and OLCC will cease and desist its unlawful enforcements. We the People, the rightful owners of this State will defend ourselves and our rights from abusive government actions politically, legally and physically if necessary, acknowledging that Oregon revised statute 133.225 authorizes the People of the State to act upon witness of a crime, detain and arrest any person committing a crime. We will defend our constitutions, our rights, and the rule of law from any threat, foreign or domestic.

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