Cedarwood Civic League

Cedarwood Civil League, hereby presents a petitions to the Planning Commission for the City of Chesapeake the proposal of R-14-31, Project Ida Gardens Rezoning for parcels 0470000000070 and 0470000000080, which is located at 809 and 817 Bells Mill Road for R-10 rezoning. 1. Overcrowded area; This area is already experiencing traffic congestion and over populated schools. Our class sizes at Cedar Road Elementary are already at 30 children per class. With the recent budget cuts in Education system, they are unable to hire more teachers and staff. Our neighborhood is already being used as a cut through to Bells Mills. We already experience high volume of cars and speeders in our neighborhood. 2. Destroying the vastly populated trees in these 7 acres will destroy Chesapeake wildlife. These lands are habitats for deer, Eagle, Osprey, Pileated Woodpecker, and Red Jay, and many more birds & wildlife. 3. If new neighborhood is built, the builder will bring in truck loads of dirt, raising his ground level and giving the surrounding homes their water run off. Our soil in this area doesn’t absorb water! These areas were natural wetlands, our water table is only about 6 ft. in our neighborhood. The water run off is a huge concern as this area is in a flood zone. This will end up flooding our property adjacent to proposed building site. .
We propose the resident zoning for the lots of 809 and 817 Bells Mill Road, remain at one or two dwelling units per parcel. The City of Chesapeake has lots of land and just needs to expand out versus overcrowding.
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