CEN 100-Academic Integrity Quiz
We have all been effected by this issue and i would like to remind you that if you are concerned and/or peeved about this, please respond to her (edit: Dr. Amleh) in a POLITE, CONCISE [yeah, it's ironic, I get it] manner. No need to be over dramatic, just voice your concern.
The following email was sent to Dr. Amleh earlier today by Adrian Best #MVP (see the bottom of the post).
I personally believe this to be unfair and I believe many of you do too.
"Hello Dr. Amleh,
You sent out an e-mail regarding the failure of completing the Academic Integrity Quizzes recently. I feel it's my obligation to let you know on behalf of many other engineering students some key pieces of information that may or may not alter your decision to issue this.
Many students, myself included, completed the 5 "quizzes" that were available on D2L. While they did mention tutorial, within each quiz was the word "MANDATORY" in large, red lettering for every question, which led to the common belief that we were filling out the correct quiz that was for marks (since there seemed to have been a lack of communication and it was not otherwise specified).
I, among the other students, noticed that there was a link that was also included in the Academic Integrity section of D2L. However, upon clicking it, it led to a blank page, similar to more or less every single link in the other "quizzes". Since every single student I spoke to was not able to access it (I even made a Facebook post about it, attached below), we collectively figured it was simply a dead link and the "tutorial quizzes" were for marks.
Note that someone mentioned they weren't for marks - but failed to specify what was.
Another student mentioned their TA said the quiz was disabled - with no indication of why or when it was to be enabled.
Now, as a result of a link that didn't work, we have an extra assignment to complete. Personally, I don't mind writing essays. In fact, I thoroughly enjoy writing. But for many students who have difficulty with writing essays, this extra, unnecessary assignment takes away from valuable studying time and adds extra stress to an obviously already stressful situation.
Considering that the failure of the completion of the quiz lies primarily not with the student body, it seems unfair to lay the fault on the students and cause them to do extra work while also losing 2% of the mark. I'm not a particular stickler for having all that great of a GPA, but for some people who are on the cusp of failing or need to maintain a certain average, every percentage counts.
Yes, it was a collective failure on our part to not actively bring to your attention the fact that the link was not working (I haven't heard of anyone e-mailing you directly about it) but several people mentioned this to their TA's (one evidenced in the Facebook screenshot I have). It was also a failure on our part that we didn't get the specifics.
But it was a failure on the CEN staff to not check that the links worked, to not specify that the other quizzes weren't for marks, and more recently, it was a failure to not notice the obvious abundance of students who apparently just didn't complete the assignment.
My proposed solution is to let us do the quiz without losing the 2% for a fault that is primarily not our own and not do the extra assignment.
Sincerely, Adrian
P.S. it also seems certain student seem to have an issue accessing the link that was included in the e-mail. I will do what I can on this end to help them."