Central Bucks Families For Better School Food
Dear Dr. Laws, CBSD Administration and School Directors: As parents, students, and professionals, WE ARE EXTREMELY CONCERNED ABOUT THE HEALTH OF OUR STUDENTS. We believe that the CENTRAL BUCKS SCHOOL DISTRICT IS SELLING AND SERVING TOO MUCH NON-NUTRITIOUS FOOD THAT IS CONTRIBUTING TO CHILDHOOD DISEASE. We are proposing A FACT-FINDING PROJECT in coordination with the CBSD WELLNESS POLICY that reveals: 1. WHAT IS SOLD IN OUR CAFETERIAS? -Get sales data and product ingredients from 2010-2011 from Aramark 2. WHAT IS THE CURRENT STATE OF WELLNESS OF OUR STUDENTS -Obesity is close to 25% -What percentage of our students are diabetic, ADD/ADHD, food allergies, depressed, anxious, migranes, etc. and what health trends have our nurses observed? 3. REVIEW OUR NUTRITION CURRICULUM AND HOW IT REFLECTS CURRENT MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC DATA. -Does it complement or contradict what our students experience at school? 4. WHAT IS ARAMARK'S PLAN TO REDUCE OFFERING PROCESSED, SUGARY, SALTY, FATTY FOOD? 5. WHAT IS THE ALLIANCE FOR A HEALTHIER GENERATION PLANNING? 6. WHAT ARE CBSD WELLNESS COMMITTEES DOING NOW AND WHAT MORE CAN BE DONE BY THE DISTRICT? 7. HOW CAN WE HELP? –We want to be part of the solution. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead For More Info Contact: Leslie Carson lmcarson1@comcast.net