Safe Energy For Seattle: Petition to Seattle City Council and Mayor McGinn
Energy Northwest (formerly WPPSS) runs the region's sole commercial nuclear reactor, located along the Columbia River on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Energy Northwest is owned and run by Washington's publicly owned utilities, e.g., Seattle City Light, Snohomish PUD, Clark PUD, Tacoma City Light... In recent months, the reactor had numerous safety violations. As the Seattle Times reported (March, 2011), Energy Northwest officials have been moving to be the first commercial reactor in the US to use the same highly dangerous Plutonium fuel which increased radiation releases from Fukushima Reactor 3 – without public disclosure of risks or costs. Seattle has not objected to use of Plutonium fuel, and supported relicensing the reactor to run 20 more years until the year 2043 – without any public discussion in Seattle. We urge you to direct Seattle City Light to use our vote on the Energy Northwest Board of Directors to: • Formally oppose use of Plutonium fuel and vote to withdraw Energy Northwest's relicensing application to operate the reactor from 2023 until 2043. • Assert public control of our region's power and use the next ten years before the plant's current license expires to plan to replace the power with clean, safe renewable power and conservation! • Pull the plug on the very dangerous scheme to use Plutonium fuel for the commercial reactor... fully disclose all records on costs spent and budgets for this scheme; and, have a public hearing on the reactor license in Seattle.