Change Albright College's Housing Policy

Currently, the Housing policy on this campus only guarantees on campus housing for the freshman and sophomore classes. This would be acceptable, if it were possible to find affordable off campus housing near the campus. As is it is, many students are not:
a) mentally prepared or suited to live on their own yet,
b) financially able to support themselves while paying for rent, food, gas, and the price and loan of owning a vehicle that many would be forced to buy because there are little to no residences available to college students within a walking distance of campus or;
c) able to live off campus without losing their scholarships.
We students ask that Albright College Housing Department open one of the dorms to the quad for upper classmen to use and guarantee housing for those that need it.
If freshmen and upper classmen have to be put into triples to accomplish
this, so be it. It is a much more appealing option than being forced to move off campus when one is not ready or able. In the future, Albright should consider building new and bigger dorm buildings before renovating already existing buildings. It should also be considered that the communication regarding this change in policy was unacceptably opaque.
This new process of selecting housing is extremely stressful and disorganized. It creates an
unneeded atmosphere of hostility that could be avoided by returning to the process of online selection, or by having more dorm rooms available.
The students of Albright College have devoted countless hours and thousands of dollars to making the campus what it is today. By forcing students who are unable to support themselves off campus, the staff of Albright College is showing just how little they care about their students' wellbeing.
Our education is not your corporation.
[NOTE: There is no required donation. Do not donate!! This is only for signatures and support, not monetary compensation!!!]