Change/Get rid of/Amend the pet ordinance

My husband and I had 5 dogs. 4 beagles and a lab. We gave the lab back to its original owner when we found out about the city ordinance. We wanted to try and at least keep the 4 beagles. We didn't want to get rid of any of our dogs, but 2 of the beagles we have, we have had for a few years. The other 2 we have are puppies from our oldest beagle, Holly's litter. We have had them since they were born. The one we chose to drive to Texas to stay with my in laws until we can get him back, we chose to keep because he reminds us of a beagle we lost a few years ago. All of our dogs mean a lot to us but he was particularly special for that reason. We ended up choosing him because of his temperament and he would be the one that "does the best" away from us.
We own our home. It is plenty big enough for 4 small beagles to live in. We have a fenced in backyard (privacy fence) big enough for them to run around and play in. Beagles aren't big dogs. Our dogs are loved very much and very well taken care of. We want to be able to bring our 4th beagle back home. The city over stepped the boundaries by coming to our home unannounced while we weren't home and looking through our windows and over our privacy fence in to our backyard. They can invade our privacy and trespass on our property but we cant have 4 beagles?
I am writing this petition with the hope we can not only get our beagle back, but also so we can change the ordinance and hopefully keep from the city harassing people and trespassing on the property of others.