It's Time for Change!
Trevor Howard 0

It's Time for Change!

13 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Trevor Howard 0 Comments
13 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

As we all know, the NCAA has spiraled out of control. With the manual the NCAA has instated today there is no efficient and fair way for a school to be penalized. If the board of the NCAA feels upset, angry, or have a background with that college, they could be getting unfair punishments towards their school. If you disagree with me you can click on my prezi link at the bottom of the page and walk through my own little presentation I gave. The NCAA affects everyone. Whether that be an adult, student, student-athlete, teacher, or if they work at the university. If you or your child goes to a school and they get the death penalty it could also affect the future of your child's life. So please take 2 minutes to sign and share this petition on your social media site. 1 share can be seen by thousands!


Here is the link to copy and paste to your Facebook or Twitter page.
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