Changes to Stateline Rd and Locher Rd.
From February 2019 - June 2020 3 car accidents on the corner of Locher and Stateline have caused the multitudes of damages to the T intersection. This has caused damage to the property of Stateline and Locher such as fencing, posts, replacing some of the field soil, replacing irrigation, replacing irrigation faucets, and replacing rocks. This is due to no lighting, dense fog, and high speed limit. Precautions have been made by the homeowner with decorative rocks, reflective tape, and white fencing. Homeowner has talked and pleaded to county but no action has been made.
We the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to put up a blinking solar stop sign at the end of Locher and Stateline and Locher and Frog Hollow. We ask that the speed limit be reduced to 40 mph on Stateline Road from Highway 125 to the end of Stateline Road and Umapine Road. Locher Road reduced to 40 mph to Frog Hollow Road. We ask that rumble strips be placed 100 feet from stop sign on Locher Road and Stateline Road and Locher and Frog Hollow Road. We ask that a light be placed on Stateline Road before Locher Road as many people miss this turn due to the lack of light and visibility of road sign.