Charge Albert W. Wily for his crimes against the state.
Show your support by signing this petition now

Since 1987, Dr. Albert W. Wily has been charged with numerous accounts of crimes against the state including aiding and abetting armed robbery, tax fraud, illegal weapons research and even attempted murder.
However, due to his large stockpile of resources, political influence and his very public feud with fellow roboticist Dr. Thomas Light, he's managed to constantly avoid police action. The United States have rigidly blocked investigation by Interpol and other international bodies. Why? Why would the government that is sworn to protect us refuse any help in charging a man who endangers the life of U.S. citizens every day that he remains free?
The only organizations that seem to be in place to keep us from this madman would be State-sanctioned police bodies, neighborhood watches and worst of all, illegal vigilantes such as the Society for the Apprehension of Robot Masters (S.A.R.M.) and the notorious renegade Mega Man.
This is unacceptable. We are pleading with you for a call to action.
We need to let the U.S. government, the President, the Senate and the House of Representatives that we cannot drag our feet any longer!
Every signature on this petition brings us closer to keeping our friends, family, culture and way of life safe.
It is imperative that we as a people band together and make our voices known. Please find it in your heart to provide your signature. Thank you.