Charlton park toilets petition

We at the old cottage coffee shop and the local Community of Charlton Park, petition the local council to allocate funds in order to refurbish and update the public toilets in Charlton Park.
These funds will be used for a complete refurbishment specifically for: hot water, hand-drying facilities, baby changing facilities and creating suitable access for the disabled.
At present, the toilets are not usable as they are old, derelict and dirty.
They never have toilet paper and there are no facilities for mothers or fathers
to change their babies. The public have access to the park twenty-four hours a
day and there has been evidence of drug use in the toilets.
The park is used by hundreds of people each week, with sporting events, the
children’s playground, outdoor exercise facilities and the café institute. So
decent public facilities are of paramount importance.
We demand funds to be allocated for both male and female toiletssothe
people of Charlton community and visitors feel confident to use the facilities.