Cheffed Healthy Vending Machine
Downstairs in the lobby there is a healthy vending machine. This machine was installed by a resident of this complex, but he can no longer maintain it, so it will be gone soon unless we do something. I think the vending machine brings us healthy and local snacks and drinks which makes us healthier, happier, and saves us time. Moreover, I know I am not alone since a lot of other people use the vending machine. The machine in question is called Cheffed and it is opposite the pool table in the lobby.
If you like having this machine in our building, we can ask Student Experience to buy the vending machine business from the individual in question so it isn't gotten rid of. I think it provides a good service to the students living here. If you agree, please sign this petition so we can convince Student Experience that this is a valued service that we want to continue having. I think this product offers a lot more value to the community than the many other unhealthy vending machines around the building and they will make money from this business (just as the individual who owns it already does), so both they will win (getting monetary payback for their worn) and we will win (getting a healthy and convenient service). I hope you show your support for this service with your name and room number. Thank you.