Chesaning Schools need change!

Time for backstabbing to end. The time has come for our administration to be held accountable for their lack of leadership and support for its coaches. Since Robert Sager has become the athletic director, Chesaning has had coaches resign in the following sports;
Girls Cross Country
Girls Track and Field
Girls Basketball
Boys Basketball
Girls Soccer
8 sports having new coaches in only 2 1/2 years. Despite the changes in coaches, the athletic teams have continued to lose as a collective whole. A quality leader is able to retain staff members and create excitement. Under Robert Sager and Mike McGough's leadership the district has been surrounded by controversy. The "resignations" of the girls basketball coach, football coach, and wrestling coach were surrounded by controversy due to lack of support among Robert and Mike. Parents have created petitions to have coaches fired/resign and the administration supported those parents. So since a petition is such a powerful tool in Chesaning I declare that we all come together and put an end to this establishment within Chesaning Schools. I petition that Robert Sager and Mike McGough "resign" from Chesaning. I am a current teacher within the district and can attest that the camaraderie and morality is at an all-time low.
Chesaning needs leadership change!
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