Make March 10th National Chuck Norris Day!
Have you ever wanted to pay thanks to the miracle called "The Internet" but never knew exactly how Have you ever sat and thought about the 10th Natural Wonder of the World, Chuck Norris Have you ever watched an Episode of Walker: Texas Ranger Have you ever found yourself telling a Chuck Norris joke If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to sign this petition! Before You just ignore this idea because it is "juvenile", think about this. What has Chuck Norris gained from this internet popularity and media attention Nothing but a Mountain Dew Commercial. I, and I\'m sure many others, would agree with me that he deserves more for being the social icon that he is. If there is one thing I would like for my generation to do, it would be to accomplish this goal of a holiday or national observance for Chuck Norris. March 10th, the day the icon was born. Chuck Norris is getting older by the minute, and soon, he could not be around anymore. What honor it would bring our generation to give this man what he deserves. This is a serious petition, and though started on a joke, I hope to have at least some serious feedback as well. Thank You!