City of Santa Fe Better Development practice
To the Mayor and City Council of Santa Fe:
We the undersigned citizens of Santa Fe and the South side of the city, petition you as elected leaders, responsible for the development and protection of our community, to take any and all necessary action to protect the citizens of Santa Fe and especially Southside residents near Las Soleras and Pulte homes from damage and health impacts due to avoidable airborne construction dust. This dust has caused an insufferable impact on our quality of life that is a direct result of approvals, particularly waiver from grading and drainage requirements to allow for mass grading for this development and other developments, by you as our elected officials. We also request the close examination of the consequences from approval of mass grading in Santa Fe in order to avoid the destructive and detrimental impacts of this kind of development from any similar future proposed mass grading development in Santa Fe.
In support of this petition requesting your response we the undersigned residents of the South side of Santa Fe and the directly adjacent communities to the Las Soleras, Pulte Homes, and proposed nearby subdivisions, further affirm: