Bring Retail to Clarksburg
Tired of the extra travel for groceries and essentials? Do you wish you could shop for daily conveniences a little closer to home? In this email, indicate your address, that you support the re-zoning of the Arora Hills/Clarksburg Village retail, and any personal comments that you'd like to share. If you can scan and sign the email, please do so. If not, please send your email without a signature... Thank you all for your support! With your help, we can bring retail to
The Clarksburg Village/Arora Hills Retail Site Plan is approved. This site plan contains a full-size grocery story, banks, pharmacy, gas, and plenty of other of space for restaurants and other convenience retail.
The current zoning and site plan conditions of approval prohibit the start of the Clarksburg Village/Arora Hills retail until 89,000 square feet of retail in
Clarksburg Village one of three planned communities currently undergoing development in Montgomery County, Maryland. The approved retail for Clarksburg Village/Arora Hills is comprised of 109,000 square feet of convenience retail, including a full-size grocery store, gas station, banks, room for restaurants, convenience retail, and more.