Claudia Hammoud for SBA Treasurer

Hello all! I am running to serve as your SBA Treasurer for the 2024-2025 year. As the Single JD Class of 2025 Treasurer for the past two years, I have served on the fundraising committee, whose primary purpose is to approve certain funding requests that come before the SBA board. Each time, I made sure that my vote was representative of the collective interest of our board and class as a whole. I plan to carry that same mindset as I represent the school as a whole.
I have held the position of treasurer in the past under numerous organizations and most recently was under the Lebanese Collegiate Network, a nationwide nonprofit organization, where I oversaw the finances of the central region of the organization, spanning over several states. I understand the duties of the position and its importance, and truly feel that I would be a great sounding board for anyone trying to reach SBA board throughout the school year. As your SBA treasurer, I will work hard to strike a balance between maintaining a healthy budget and providing resources, fun events, and networking opportunities to all students. I recognize the importance of attending meetings and SBA events, and with an already perfect attendance sheet for this year as 2L treasurer, I plan to be an active and present member for ALL SBA-related events.
More than anything, I plan to be transparent and accessible while serving as your SBA class treasurer. If any student has any questions, concerns, or recommendations for what they would like to see from our board and treasury, please feel free to reach out to me! I hope to earn your signature and your vote!