Stop the injustice of Clayton County D.U.I. Court
Jeffery Allen 0

Stop the injustice of Clayton County D.U.I. Court

14 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jeffery Allen 0 Comments
14 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Are you sick & tired of the system looking at you as a dollar sign instead of a human being? Sign the petition to revamp D.U.I. Court; a program designed to rectify the problems of offenders of the D.U.I. law, but instead is doing just the opposite when 9 out of 10 people enrolled in the program repeatedly falls into custody of the state. This program is designed to incarcerate; Clayton County offers no form of public transportation or driving privileges to meet the stipulations of this crippling program. If like most, you have only self to depend on, being able to attend: 3 drug/alcohol classes a week, 3 AA/NA meetings a week, complete at least 8 hours of community service a week, as well as, adhere to random drug testing (Which is conducted during daily work hours: 8am to 5pm), report to D.U.I. Court every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month, and probation twice a month; doing all of this while striving to remain gainfully employed, is virtually impossible without any public transportation or license. Ordinary, tax-paying citizens with everyday obligations such as: Children, jobs, mortgages/rent, etc..., lives are being ruined by this program, when the only course of action for receiving an infraction, which will undoubtly happen, being that we are forced to rely upon others whom have lives themselves to aid us in meeting these strenuous stipulations, is incarceration, which is inadmissible. Programs are formed to rectify problems, not create them. This petition is not to escape the consequences of carelessly receiving our charge, but to enlighten those in the position to make a difference; if the program has a failure rate that exceeds those whom actually have successfully completed the program, who is D.U.I. Court benefitting? Sign this petition to revitalize D.U.I. Court. Allow you signature to stand for a great movement. BE HEARD!

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