Clubs for Logos
In my attempt to enhance the online schooling experience, I'd like to integrate clubs into Logos Online School. They would require the same etiquette and respect that students should have in the online classroom, and would need extra cooperation from them in order to make this idea a reality. These clubs would be meant to expound and explore different hobbies and interests that students have.
There could be different collaborations, challenges, and events, depending on the type of club. These clubs would really serve to be a place where students have other people to share their hobbies and interests with, but on an online platform. Most importantly, I believe these clubs should be able to give students opportunities to lead in some areas or take on certain responsibilities within their school. In the beginning I'd want to really take time and develop a good format for how the clubs will work, and maybe start with a small number of clubs depending on students' interest and involvement in this whole idea. Just for clarification though, reaching a certain number of signatures on this petition will not guarantee that clubs within Logos will be established. But hopefully, with your support, we can figure more of the details out together and make this idea a reality!
Thanks, Daniel Campbell.