Give Coach his 25th Year
Ricardo Riojas-86': We have passed 100 Signatures, Keep Speading the Word... Meet us Next Week in the Central Gym.
Troy Salinas-90': General Alumni Association Meeting Location:Central Catholic High School Time:7:00PM Tuesday, February 15th
Mike Aleman-84': Bro Peter knew his decision would have a backlash but NEVER did he feel it would be like it is. He has been asked to come clean & make a statement to the Alumni but has refused. -The Alumni Board is having their next meeting in Febuary at Central & it is an OPEN meeting which means everyone & anyone can attend. Please let me know if you can attend. This will be a Golden Opprotunity for you!!!
Jacob Crumrine-08': I must preface this message by admitting that everything I have heard regarding this subject are second-hand accounts & acknowledging that some of the information I have received is possibly inaccurate. I welcome any corrections you wish to make. - One particularly disturbing rumor I have heard recently is that Carlos Enrico, one of the best known among Central's alumni, is under pressure to retire (as Head Football Coach) a year earlier than he planned.
Timothy Brian Pieprzyca-74': Since neither you nor I know anything for sure, & since neither Coach nor Brother Peter has made any announcements, we're just going to have to man up and wait for the inevitable explanation. When the matter is finalized & we have a concrete statement about which to be indignant, then take your shot.
Manuel C. Sanchez-85': Enrico is part of the fabric of Central Catholic - - Published: Wed., Oct. 6, 2010 -