Ban Arabic on global - منع اللغة العربية من العام
Moe the Conqueror 0

Ban Arabic on global - منع اللغة العربية من العام

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Moe the Conqueror 0 Comments
13 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

We would like to disable Arabic and other languages from global chat. Supporting other languages without a mechanism in place to censor profanities was irresponsible to say the least. As a result, the game that we loved and supported since it was launched was infested by an influx of members who had no interest in the game itself aside from using it as a chat app. Consequently, the global chat isn't useful as a way to communicate with members from other clan but as a steam off focal for children who newly learned curse words and have the notion they can say them freely in the global. We are EXTREMELY UNHAPPY with how the game has deteriorated. Either ban all languages but English in global English or install some control mechanism, e.g. Cool down for messages sent per minute on global and/or messages per day. And most importantly, language censoring is MANDATORY. Clash of Clans has become extremely filthy and I wouldn't allow any one I know below the age of 18 to play it. You just cannot be this irresponsible in this day and age. هذا المعروض بخصوص التردي الفادح في كلاش أوف كلاني بعد اضافة التعريب. لم يعد الشات وسيلة ايجاد لاعبين او تحالفات جديدة بل اصبح دردشات غزل وتعارف او منتدى لعن المذاهب الاخرى. بغض النظر عن الألفاظ البذيئة التي تخدش الحياء. من الواضح ان تعريب اللعبة تسبب في دخول الاف الاعضاء اللذين ليس لديهم اي اهتمام باللعبة نفسها بل بالشات فقط كمنفذ لرغبتهم في التعارف او استخدام الفاظ بذيئة. نطلب بهذا المعروض من مصممي اللعبة منع اللغة العربية في العام وحصرها في غرفة المحادثة الخاصة بالتحالف كما نطلب وضع مراقبة الية ومنع استخدام الكلمات الخارجة عن الادب. Thank you all for your support and we hope Clash of Clans returns to be the same game we always loved and enjoyed. Please feel free to leave comments.

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