Compulsory labelling on meat from ritually slaughtered animals

Ritual slaughter of animals and birds is cruel. Lambs, sheep, goats and poultry are forcible restrained and killed while fully conscious. The neck is severed and the massive injury causes significant suffering, pain, fear and distress to the animals and to those waiting their turn to die. It's normal practice in the U.K. to stun the animal before it is killed and butchered. However recent research how shown that a quarter of all animals are being slaughtered by the non-stun method. It's said that half of all the lambs slaughtered are not stunned first. This is a huge number of animals who meet an appalling death. How do you know whether the meat you buy at supermarkets and butchers is from animals that have not been stunned but have been ritually slaughtered? We propose that all meat on sale (and products containing meat) should be clearly marked to show whether the animal or bird has been stunned and humanely killed or has been slaughtered without being stunned first. Consumers can then make a choice. We are the Pet Samaritans who campaign against animal cruelty and exploitation www.petsamaritans.co.uk. If you agree with this proposal please sign our petition.