Return at least one Concorde to our skies.
Nico Moore 0

Return at least one Concorde to our skies.

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Concorde was and still is the most advanced supersonic airliner ever built, and one the British and French should still be hugely proud of. It's safety record over it's lifetime has never been matched; It's one and only crash is now known to almost certainly have been caused by a maintenance error by the french which caused a tyre disintegration. Does this beautiful symbol of British/French technology and supersonic airline supremacy really deserve to be lying in air museums today maybe never destined to fly commercially again due to no fault of her own? I say NO! Afterall, many boeing 747's have crashed during their lifetime yet we hear no call to scrap the 747.... I say lets bring back Concorde, put her back were she belongs and let her do what she does best....

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