Labour's Annual Conference 2010 – a call for maximum debate among delegates
We, the undersigned officers of Labour Party branch and constituencies writing in our personal capacities, want to see Annual Conference 2010 organised for maximum debate among delegates, rather than a showcase for former Labour government ministers. The grid circulated at the National Executive Committee on 20 July needs to be refocused on the future. We need to remember there are elections in Scotland, Wales and England next Spring. In addition we need to give delegates at Conference as much opportunity as possible to debate key issues. There is a risk of too much time being given to former front-bench spokespersons for set speeches. We want debate in the sessions devoted to policy themes prioritised by our delegates around 4 plus 4 contemporary issues/resolutions. This could help shape future policy development through Partnership into Power. Any issue/resolution arising from our General Election defeat in May and since should be ruled in order for the purposes of that ballot. The electorate and wider membership need to know the Labour's new Leader and those aspiring to serve in the new Shadow Cabinet (when elected after Conference) are in listening and learning mode. That could be shown by arranging a summing-up slot for a spokesperson prior to winding up by the mover of a resolution prioritised for debate. We look forward to receiving guidance from the Conference Arrangements Committee that will enable that to happen.