Consistency and Respect of the decanat decisions
French and English student 4th year 0

Consistency and Respect of the decanat decisions

118 signers. Add your name now!
French and English student 4th year 0 Comments
118 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Having been imposed an oral exam we, students of the 4th year at Grigore T Popa with the approval of all the English and French section ask for the removal of this oral test which should have been a colloqium from the start in regard of the decanat decision. Indeed we understand the difficulty of the situation and how hard can be the management of the exams but rules are meant to be respected .As students of this faculty we ask for equality and so to be tested the same way the Romanian section is tested and that is in a form of colloqium, the way the decanat decided for this subject. Best regards

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