Corner Canyon High School Mascot and Colors
This is a petition to motive the Canyons School district to rethink the potential school colors and mascot for Corner Canyon High School. Here are the current options decided on by the board without regard to the color's use in close approximity. They are: Colors 1. Navy, Silver, White- currently the exact colors used by Hunter High School. 2. Gold, Navy, White- currently the exact colors used by Skyline High School. 3. Navy, Crimson, Silver- change the silver to gold and you have the exact colors of Herriman High School. Mascot 1. Mountain Lion/Cougar (same thing)- currently the mascot of Kearns High School. Also a very polarizing mascot based on BYU. 2. Diamondbacks- No issues noted 3. Falcons- Current mascot of Clearfield High School, too similar to the Alta Hawks. 4. Raptors- dinosaurs or birds of prey? Too similar to Alta Hawks 5. Broncos- Last 2 high schools to open near Salt Lake have the Stallions (Stansbury) and Mustangs (Herriman) as mascots. In the area you would have similar mascots as colts, stallions, mustangs, and broncos. 6. Bears- Summit High School in Draper has the exact mascot. 7. Cavaliers- No issues noted 8. Chargers- No issues noted In general the School Board has not given the proper consideration to the colors and mascots used by other schools in close proximity to Corner Canyon High School. This is especially troubling as you have a new school in a new district that is still trying to create an identity. In general the selections decided upon by the school board lack imagination and creativity. None of the possible options would help create an identity as they are all borrowed from either another high school or a well-known professional sports franchise. The purpose of this petition is to have the school board introduce different options for both the mascot and the color scheme that may be voted upon by the students of the area that have the following criteria: 1. Is unique in that it is not a color scheme or mascot employed by another high school (especially one in the near vicinity). The more unique the better without being over-the-top or strange. 2. Is not a color scheme or mascot derived by a polarizing entity like BYU or the University of Utah. 3. Is creative that can help create an identity with the students, in the community and with the area. Although this should be tempered by the idea of something that is not so different as to be considered strange or peculiar but should not be derived directly from a well-known sports franchise. 4. Can be considered a viable alternative to the unoriginal options provided by the school board and to be voted on by the students. Again this petition is created to get the school board to propose other alternatives that are more creative, create and identity, and not borrowed from other schools. These options then be voted upon the students of the area. The idea is to get a group of options that are not so homogenous. If you agree with these concerns and proposed actions please add your name to the petition and forward to anyone who might be affected by the future Corner Canyon High School.