Corporate Terrorism; Vote NO to Peer to Peer Piracy Act
A bill entered into Congress by a California congressman called the \"Peer to Peer Piracy Prevention\" Act, if passed, would allow music and media industry \"hackers\" to attack peer-to-peer and individual home and business computers, and networks on a \"search and destroy\" mission for electronic copyright materials. This is a violation of our civil rights and the rights we are granted when we purchase music cd\'s. Any media file, if THEY believe it is copyrighted material would be corrupted and/or destroyed completely from the hard disks of personal home computers and internet sites! This bill, if exploited, could open up our computers to public view and they can shuffle through our files at will. It would also allow them to overload computer networks and internet sites with \"garbage files\" and multiple download requests to point that it would cause network outages. PLEASE VISIT MY WEB SITE AT THE LINK TO THE RIGHT FOR LINKS TO CONGRESS AND THE SENTATE, OR VISIT THEM DIRECTLY! Let them know you wont tolerate this kind of corporate terrorism! It\'s up to all of us to make sure this bill doesn\'t become law!