David Cherry 0

Join Interfaith Leaders in Covenant for Healing & Reconciliation

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Sign this petition to join interfaith leaders across America in a Covenant of Faith for Healing and Reconciliation:

1.) We lift our voices to proclaim 2021 a year of Thanksgiving to God for sustaining the spirit of our democracy, the counting of every citizen’s vote, and the opportunities for national renewal and a new birth of freedom.

2.) We call for national lament and repentance and reparation for the original sins of horrific genocide against the indigenous people of this land and the ignoble wealth built from the intergenerational enslavement of African human beings and continuing systemic racism.

3.) We pledge to live in this moment in history as ministers of healing and reconciliation and the pursuit of divine purpose in the civic life of our nation.

4.) We pledge to live our faith by working for the expansion of economic opportunities for the poor, social justice for the marginalized, and the promotion of civil public dialogue and respectful political discourse as we seek the best paths to move our nation closer to the vision of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “Beloved Community”.

5.) We commit ourselves to relentless advocacy and action to address the scientific evidence of climate change, and we commit to aggressively work for the saving our planet as a sacred gift from God and the collective stewardship and inheritance of our one human family.

This Covenant of Faith we pledge, from our diverse walks of faith, so help us God Almighty. Amen.


On behalf of the International Council for Healing and Reconciliation:

- Dr. Marshall Hatch, New Mt Pilgrim M.B. Church

- Mr. David Cherry, All Star Project Chicago

- Doc Dwight McKee, Maafa Redemption Project

- Rev. Larry Greenfield, Chairman of Baptist Theological Union

- Rev. Ciera Bates-Chamberlain, Church of Jesus Christ House of Prayer

- Rev. Richard Kohng, North Park University

- Rabbi Max Weiss, Oak Park Temple B’nai Abraham Zion

- Rev. Gregory Livingston, The Church of the Upper Eastside in Schurz Park, NYC

- Rabbi Seth Limmer, Chicago Sinai Congregation

- Rev. Alan Taylor, Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Church

- Dr. David Kersten, Dean of North Park Theological Seminary

- Father Mike Pfleger, The Faith Community of St Sabina

- Dr. Soong-Chan Rah, North Park Theological Seminary

- Rev. Cy Fields, New Landmark Baptist Church

- Dr. Marcenia Richards, Fierce Women of Faith

- Rev. Ira Acree, Greater St John Bible Church

- Dr. William Shiell, President Of Northern Seminary

- Rabbi Jonah Pesner, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism

Photo by Jon Sailer on Unsplash

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